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Joseph Erwin Sr

Thomas Barkley Erwin's Grandfather


Joseph was born before 1729. He passed away in 1793.

Note: If Joseph was b in 1739, he would have been 10 at the time of his marriage to Agness Reed. I have seen his birth year as 1729 and the length of time between his birth and the birth of his siblings is troubling. In Bill Timmons' manscript he lists Joseph's birth place as reportedly Aberdeen, Scotland. Some of the other information also from this manuscript. PA birth place from Fran at From "When They Came" shows his death date as: 06/18/1793 which is 2 days prior to his Will being proved. There is no marriage record. His will names children: Mary; William who married Elizabeth Cowan (Nanci's note: William actually m Mary "Polly" Cathey), daughter of Henry and Jane Cowan; Agnes; Margaret; and Joseph who married Catherine, daughter of Thomas Cowan. So this is incorrect. See Christopher Erwin In "Abstracts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1763-1774" by Jo White Linn, on pg 110 the Will of James Erwyn proved by Agnes and Joseph Erwyn. They provided 600 pounds bond on 5/10/1770. On pg 113 an account of sale, returned to Agnes Lowther and Joseph Erwin (John Rison and I were wondering if she married quickly?). The sale came to 616 pounds 10 shillings and 7 1/2 pence. There is a will for Joseph Erwin dated 6/20/1793 and it says "Joseph is to have Home Place and Mary the slave." There is also listed in the loose papers wills for Agnes Erwin (1800); James (1771) and Joseph (1793).

1755 ERWIN JOSEPH Rowan County NC No Township Listed NC Early Census. Index NCS1a1024835.

1759 ERWIN JOSEPH Rowan County NC NC Early Census Index NCS1a1024834.

1790 ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FEDERAL CENSUS. Fields: NAME -- Head of the household. 1 -- Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. 2 -- Free white males under 16 years. 3 -- Free white females including heads of familes. 4 -- All other free persons. 5 -- Slaves. "ERWIN, Christopher" 3 3 4 0 8 10. "ERWIN, John" 2 3 5 0 0 170. "ERWIN, John" 2 0 1 0 0 1738. "ERWIN, Joseph" 2 0 2 0 3 2333. "ERWIN, William" 1 2 3 0 2 2334.

1800 Rowan Cty Census: pg 320 (Joseph Sr and Jr). 1800 ERWIN JOSEPH Rowan County NC 320 40010-10010-03 Federal Population. Schedule NC 1800 Federal Census Index. 1800 ERWIN JOSEPH Rowan County NC 320 40010-10010-03 Federal Population. Schedule NC 1800 Federal Census Index.

Found: Joseph Erwin on 1759 Rowan Cty Tax List from Rowan Cty Library,. Salisbury, NC, Wm Kizziah, Register of Deeds.

My notes: Will dated 20 Jun 1793 and proved 8 Aug 1793 Rowan Cty, NC. As compiled from the records in Salisbury, N. C., by J. F. McCubbins, C. S. C., February 7, 1903, are given following:

Under the will of Joseph Ervin, June 20, 1793, the legatees were: his. wife, Agnes; daughters, Mary, Gracie, Agnes, and Peggy; and sons, William. and Joseph. The witnesses were, Hugh Dobbins, and Patrick Barr. LDS AFN: 1TVD-0B5 lists death date as 6 Aug 1793 Salisbury, Rowan Cty, NC. and birth as abt 1739 in Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.

Census: 1790 Rowan County, North Carolina, United States. Note: 1790 census - Rowan County, page 345, line 29,. 2 0 2 3.



Joseph's Will

20 JUN 1793. Rowan County, North Carolina, United States.

"In the Name of God amen. I Joseph Erwin of the County of Rowan and State of North Carolina. Being in perfect mind and memorey do this day make ordain and publish my last will and testament in the following maner. and do give and Bequeath unto I first give and Bequeath to my Beloved and affectionate wife Agness during her life time the use of the land on the North Side of the Lane and the half of the New field I likewise give my beloved wife her bed and furniture and her choice of my horses and two cows & a heifer Also I give her dureing her life the use of my Negro fellow Sharp and my Negro wench Luce.

I give to my daughter Mary and Bequeath to her my Black mare three cows and heifer. Likewise her bed and cloathing and furniture for beds and in case my daughter Mary Behaves vertuously I allow her my Negro wench Luce after my wifes death. in case the wench Luce should have children before that time. I allow them to be sold and divided amongst all my children but in case my daughter Mary Shall displeas and disobey my Beloved wife the wench Luce and the fellow Sharp shall be Both sold after my wifes death and divided amongst all my children.

I give and Bequeath to my son William a bay horse which he has now in prossesion.

I give and Bequeath to my daughter Grisel as much Money as will buy her a silk gown and a Pocket Bible.

I give and Bequeath to my daughter Agness as much Money and as much money as will buy her a silk gown and a Pocket Bible.

I give and Bequeath to my daughter Peggy a Pocket Bible.

I give and Bequeath to my son Joseph the Land I now Live upon Likewise the sorral mear and her two colts and the Black mare caled Barley. Also the waggon and geers I give to my son Joseph yet I allow my wife to have part of the use of them while she lives. Likewise I give him two cows and calves Also I give him the one half of my Plows and plow irons the other half I give to my wife.

I give and Bequeath to my Beloved wife the use of the house I now Live in. Also the half of the Spring & Spring house with part of the Barn dureing her Life. Likewise I give and leave to her dissposal all my houseold furniture. All the remainder of my estate I allow to be divided equally amongst my wife and all my children.

Lastly I do nominate constitute and appoint my two Sons William Erwin and Joseph Erwin to be Executors of this my last will and Testament hereby. revokeing and disanuling any will or wills by me made heretofore and do. ratify and confirm this my Last will and Testament. In testimoney whence of I have let my name and and affixed my Seal this 20 Day of June 1793---. Signed Sealed Ratified and confirmed as the Last will and Testament of Joseph Erwin Joseph Erwin (his seal). In presence of us. Floyd Dobbins Jur. Patrick Barr.

Probate: 8 AUG 1793. Rowan County, North Carolina, United States.








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